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Kalium Solutions

CANUTEC, Canada's free emergency service for dangerous goods in transport

Kalium Solutions
30 may 2023


Residual dangerous goods

To get rid of your residual hazardous materials, do you take a turnkey service (classification of your products, packaging, labelling, completed documentation) from a company specializing in waste management?

You may be surprised to learn that this turnkey service does not release you of your responsibilities with respect to Transport Canada and its Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR). Indeed, if you look at your shipping documents carefully, you will see that your company is entered as the consignor/shipper and not the specialized company.

In the event of an inspection, here is one of the non-conformity that could be raised.

Section 3.5 of the TDGR requires shippers to place a 24-hour emergency telephone number on their shipping documents. The most frequently used number is CANUTEC. CANUTEC is the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre and it is regulated by Transport Canada. The use of this government authority’s number is FREE of charge for all Canadian companies. However, registration is required for its use.

Although you are dealing with a turnkey service, if the shipping documents mention your company as the consignor and the CANUTEC number as the 24-hour emergency number, it is your responsibility to register your company with CANUTEC. It is the shippers who must register, not the shipping companies.

When you register, you will be able to choose your company type. Since the range of business types covers all types of shipments, there is no registration exemption for the use of the CANUTEC number. Possible business types are manufacturer, distributor, end user, waste shipper, biomedical company and radiological company. When you register, a definition of each of these types of business is provided to facilitate your choice. So even if your company has a specific field of activity such as the Ecocentres, you will need to register with CANUTEC to be able to use their number. In the case of an Ecocentre, the choice would be “waste shipper” in the business’s type.

To maintain your registration, you will need to review and update your account annually.

To create or verify your registration: CANUTEC

For further information : Kaliumsolutions or 450 906-6999

Conformite + Legalite = Securite