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Kalium Solutions

New Database for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

Kalium Solutions
19 july 2022
Final date: October 25, 2024


Transport Canada news

Did you know that as soon as you handle dangerous goods that are labelled for transportation, your company is subject to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR)? You need to be trained in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) program if you receive regulated products in transport, even if you do not ship any.

Training obligation:

Any person who handles, offers for transport, or transports dangerous goods must be trained for TDG (Part 6 of the Regulations).
The training certificate is valid for 2 or 3 years depending on the mode of transportation.

On June 25th, 2022, Transport Canada published in the Gazette I, its proposal to amend the TDGR, adding a new obligation. Businesses will have to register on the registration database and renew their registration annually.


Between 2009 and 2021 of the 2,500 reportable incidents, 96.6% of the reported incidents occurred at sites unknown to Transport Canada and therefore not inspected. The regulatory changes will allow Transport Canada to more accurately prioritize its inspections of sites operated by persons involved in TDG, thereby reducing future incidents.

To date, the TDGR has 16 parts, but in the proposed changes, a new part will be created: Part 17 Registration Database. It is in this new section that all information concerning the registration obligation will be included.

Individuals will have one year from the effective date (from the day of the publication in the Canada Gazette, Part II) to complete their registration in the database. According to Transport Canada, database development can be expected to be completed and made available in the spring 2023

To read the full text on changes to the TDGR in Gazette I.

You can submit your comments on the proposed Regulations and Orders in Council until September 3, 2022.

Please contact 450-906-6999 for all chemical training requests, including Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG), IMDG, IATA, Safety storage and WHMIS.

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