Are you able to recognize incompatibility? Do you know how to separate your chemicals? We have safe storage training that will help you have a safe warehouse that complies with the Building Safety Code and the National Fire Code of Canada (NFCC).
To have safe storage, it must also comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety Act (OHSA) of its province and its regulations, such as the ROHS (particularly section X) in Quebec.
Depending on the situation, the Building chapter of the Safety Code, the National Fire Code of Canada (NFCC) and the NFPA may also apply.
From the law on occupational health and safety also comes the Regulation on information concerning hazardous products (RIPD), it stipulates that your employees must be trained in the storage of hazardous materials.
According to article 72 of the Quebec ROHS, the storage and handling of hazardous materials must be carried out in such a way as to prevent their spillage or accidental ignition.
To this end, it is necessary to separate or isolate hazardous materials which, by mixing with other materials, are likely to cause a fire or an explosion, or to release flammable or toxic gases.
To properly separate your products, it is imperative first, to have a list of all your well-classified products. Once the classification is done, all the products must be correctly segregated according to the standards and regulations in force.
In summary, these are the 5 steps required to achieve safe storage:
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The safe storage of hazardous materials is part of a comprehensive risk management approach. Ignorance of storage rules can lead to serious consequences, such as:
Several ambiguities, even contradictions, are present through the regulations in force in North America and elsewhere. There are several chemical incompatibility charts that are part of the transport’s regulation: in the IMDG (Table 7.2.4 of the IMDG Code), in the CFR 49 (US transport of dangerous goods) and even in WHMIS. The ROHS also contains several articles of legislation specifically for this purpose (Division X sections 70 to 100).
To address this issue, experts have tried to develop some tools. We have developed a table of incompatibility that includes both TDG, 49 CFR, CCCR, WHMIS and IMDG in the most comprehensive form possible. However, the various tools developed to overcome regulatory ambiguities do not allow for the inclusion of all exceptions. An update through continuous training therefore becomes a must to keep workplaces safe.
The regulation of hazardous materials was developed from the chemical classes of the compounds of a product. Therefore, safe storage of chemicals requires minimal knowledge of the different classes of chemicals. With the increasing complexity of products available on the market, it is increasingly difficult to correctly identify the chemical classes of a product. An error at this level leads to poor risk assessment and storage of potentially incompatible compounds, which represents a risk to the health and safety of environmental workers. Therefore, keeping one’s skills up to date is a way to preserve one’s ability to assess/judge chemical hazards. The approach provided by this training is purely practical and, inevitably, is intended to compensate for regulatory deficiencies using professional judgment.
The complexity of storage regulations and lack of knowledge can put some workplaces at risk of accidents. This training is intended for professionals who are involved/supervise the management and storage of chemicals or who wish to update their knowledge of chemical product classification in a storage context. The aim is to better assess chemical incompatibilities and better judge accident risks. With the growth and complexity of chemicals on the market, this training finds its place in a multitude of environments, such as laboratory workers, manufacturing workers, food products, pharmaceuticals, OHS managers, or any other worker who wants to make workplaces more efficient and safer.
Let’s not forget that hazard assessment starts with knowing the risks associated with a hazardous product.
This training allows you to review the various regulations applicable to storage. Its main purpose is to develop professional judgment related to the storage of chemicals. Chemists and biochemists act as experts in the workplace, and they are the first line of safety intervention. They have an ethical and deontological obligation to ensure the safety of workplaces regarding chemical risks. The general objectives of the training are to update the professional’s knowledge for safe storage of products in the workplace and develop the professional judgment of the chemist or biochemist to overcome current regulatory gaps.
To achieve these overall objectives, these elements will be addressed:
Module 1: Introduction (WHMIS Brief, Risk Management Principle)
Module objectives:
Be able to:
1.1 Risk management principle and primary objective of training
1.2 WHMIS and HPR labelling recall
1.2.1 H and P phrases
1.2.2 Incompatibilities under the same WHMIS pictogram
1.2.3 Example of missing information
Module 2: Storage of flammables, oxidizers, aerosols and gases
Module objectives:
Be able to:
2.1 Physical hazards under the flammable pictogram
2.2 Imminent risks of incompatible storage under WHMIS
2.3 Using TDGR to address WHMIS gaps
2.4 Ignition Source Management
2.5 Oxidant Management
Module 3: Storage of Corrosive and Toxic
Module objectives:
Be able to:
3.1 Difference Between Acid and Base Burn
3.2 Obligations to have eyewash stations and body washers
3.3 Acid-base distinction
3.4 Toxics and other health hazards
Module 4: General rule of storage
Module objectives:
Be able to:
4.1 Principle with 4 variables of incompatibilities
4.2 Storage example
4.3 Actual vs. WHMIS incompatibility (regulatory inconsistency)
4.4 Broadening the definitions of oxidant, acid, base and flammable
4.5 Special rule: acidic water reagent, basic.
4.6 Storage of products with specific incompatibility (cyanide, azide, sulphides)
Module 5: Handling and Storage of Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Module objectives:
Be able to:
5.1 Properties of hydrofluoric acid
5.2 Exposure procedures
5.3 Recommendation of pick-up procedure
Module 6: Use of External Information Resources
Module objectives:
Be able to:
6.1 Corrosion management in cabinets
6.2 Using External Resources
Poster of chemicals incompatibilities
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Price: 100$ + tx + shipping.
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